Desmos API v1.9
Desmos is the dead-simple way to embed rich, interactive math into your web page or web app. Here's how to draw an interactive graph in less than 60 seconds:
Step 1: include our secure javascript file:
<script src=""></script>
Step 2: add an an element to the page:
<div id="calculator" style="width: 600px; height: 400px;"></div>
Step 3: add the following lines of javascript:
var elt = document.getElementById('calculator');
var calculator = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt);
Step 4: Enjoy:
See examples/parabola.html to see this example live.
Preparing for production: In this example, we used the demo API key dcb31709b452b1cf9dc26972add0fda6
. For production use, you should obtain your own API key and supply it as the apiKey
parameter in the script URL in step 1.
To see information about the size of the API file, the change log contains the gzipped size for each version.
Graphing Calculator
The basic structure of the API is an embeddable GraphingCalculator
, which is the page element which will display your axes, grid-lines, equations, and points.
constructor GraphingCalculator(element, [options])
Creates a calculator object to control the calculator embedded in the DOM element specified by element.
var elt = document.getElementById('my-calculator');
var calculator = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt);
The object returned is a Desmos.GraphingCalculator object, which exposes methods for setting expressions, changing the viewport, etc.
options is an optional object that specifies features that should be included or excluded.
Option | Default | Description |
keypad | true | Show the onscreen keypad |
graphpaper | true | Show the graphpaper |
expressions | true | Show the expressions list |
settingsMenu | true | Show the settings wrench, for changing graph display. See Accessibility Notes. |
zoomButtons | true | Show onscreen zoom buttons |
showResetButtonOnGraphpaper | false | If a default state is set, show an onscreen reset button |
expressionsTopbar | true | Show the bar on top of the expressions list |
pointsOfInterest | true | Show Points of Interest (POIs) as gray dots that can be clicked on |
trace | true | Allow tracing curves to inspect coordinates, and showing point coordinates when clicked |
border | true | Add a subtle 1px gray border around the entire calculator |
lockViewport | false | Disable user panning and zooming graphpaper |
expressionsCollapsed | false | Collapse the expressions list |
capExpressionSize | false | Limit the size of an expression to 500 LaTeX tokens and a maximum nesting depth of 30 |
authorFeatures | false | Enable features intended for content authoring. See the section on Author Features. |
images | true | Allow adding images |
imageUploadCallback | Desmos.imageFileToDataURL | Specify custom processing for user-uploaded images. See Image Uploads for more details. |
folders | true | Allow the creation of folders in the expressions list |
notes | true | Allow the creation of text notes in the expressions list |
sliders | true | Allow the creation of sliders in the expressions list |
actions | 'auto' | Allow the use of Actions. May be true , false , or 'auto' . When true or false , actions are completely enabled or disabled. When 'auto' , actions are enabled, but some associated UI is only displayed after the user enters a valid action. In a future API version, 'auto' may become a synonym for true . |
substitutions | true | Allow the use of "with" substitutions and list comprehensions |
links | true | Allow hyperlinks in notes/folders, and links to help documentation in the expressions list (e.g. regressions with negative R2 values or plots with unresolved detail) |
qwertyKeyboard | true | Display the keypad in QWERTY layout (false shows an alphabetical layout) |
distributions | true | Enable/disable functions related to univariate data visualizations, statistical distributions, and hypothesis testing |
restrictedFunctions | false | Show a restricted menu of available functions |
forceEnableGeometryFunctions | false | Force distance and midpoint functions to be enabled, even if restrictedFunctions is set to true . In that case the geometry functions will also be added to the the "Misc" keypad |
pasteGraphLink | false | Paste a valid desmos graph URL to import that graph |
pasteTableData | true | Paste validly formatted table data to create a table up to 50 rows |
clearIntoDegreeMode | false | When true , clearing the graph through the UI or calling setBlank() will leave the calculator in degreeMode . Note that, if a default state is set, resetting the graph through the UI will result in the calculator's degreeMode matching the mode of that state, regardless of this option. |
colors | Colors | The color palette that the calculator will cycle through. See the Colors section. |
autosize | true | Determine whether the calculator should automatically resize whenever there are changes to element's dimensions. If set to false you will need to explicitly call .resize() in certain situations. See .resize(). |
plotInequalities | true | Determine whether the calculator should plot inequalities |
plotImplicits | true | Determine whether the calculator should plot implicit equations and inequalities |
plotSingleVariableImplicitEquations | true | Determine whether the calculator should plot single-variable implicit equations |
projectorMode | false | When true , fonts and line thicknesses are increased to aid legibility. |
decimalToFraction | true | When true , users are able to toggle between decimal and fraction output in evaluations if Desmos detects a good rational approximation. |
fontSize | 16 | Base font size. |
invertedColors | false | Display the calculator with an inverted color scheme. |
language | 'en' | Language. See the Languages section for more information. |
brailleMode | 'none' |
Set the input and output Braille code for persons using refreshable Braille displays. Valid options are 'nemeth', 'ueb', or 'none'. |
sixKeyInput | false | Allow users to write six-dot Braille characters using the Home Row keys (S, D, F, J, K, and L). Requires that brailleMode be 'nemeth' or 'ueb'. |
brailleControls | true | Show Braille controls in the settings menu and enable shortcut keys for switching between Braille modes. See Accessibility Notes. |
audio | true | Permit the calculator to generate sound, including using the tone method and in Audio Trace. See Accessibility Notes. |
graphDescription | undefined | Manually set a description for the graph canvas (which replaces the automatically generated text we create). Set to an empty string to remove the description entirely, or undefined to restore the generated text. See Accessibility Notes. |
zoomFit | true | When true , tables and distributions will display an icon that allows the user to automatically snap the viewport to appropriate bounds for viewing that expression. |
forceLogModeRegressions | false | When true , all linearizable regression models will have log mode enabled by default, and the checkbox used to toggle log mode will be hidden from the expression interface. See this support article for more information. |
logScales | true | When true , the option to use logarithmic axis scales is enabled. |
tone | true | When true , the tone command is enabled. |
intervalComprehensions | true | When true , the syntax for interval comprehensions is enabled. |
muted | true | Globally mute or unmute sound generated by the calculator's built-in tone() function. See the section on tones below. |
In addition to the above configuration options, you may also pass in any of the graph settings below as part of the options object. The distinction between configuration options and graph settings is that configuration options are properties related to the particular calculator instance, while graph settings are properties related to the graph state itself.
Configuration options do not appear in a serialized graph state, but graph settings do. Therefore
configuration options will persist through a setState()
or a setBlank()
but graph settings will be overwritten whenever a new (possibly blank) state is set.
Setting | Type | Default | Description |
degreeMode | Boolean | false |
When true , trig functions assume arguments are in degrees. Otherwise, arguments are assumed to be in radians. |
showGrid | Boolean | true |
Show or hide grid lines on the graph paper. |
polarMode | Boolean | false |
When true , use a polar grid. Otherwise, use cartesian grid. |
showXAxis | Boolean | true |
Show or hide the x axis. |
showYAxis | Boolean | true |
Show or hide the y axis. |
xAxisNumbers | Boolean | true |
Show or hide numeric tick labels on the x axis. |
yAxisNumbers | Boolean | true |
Show or hide numeric tick labels on the y axis. |
polarNumbers | Boolean | true |
Show or hide numeric tick labels at successive angles. Only relevant when polarMode is true . |
xAxisStep | Number | 0 |
Spacing between numeric ticks on the x axis. Will be ignored if set too small to display. When set to 0 , tick spacing is chosen automatically. |
yAxisStep | Number | 0 |
Spacing between numeric ticks on the y axis. Will be ignored if set too small to display. When set to 0 , tick spacing is chosen automatically. |
xAxisMinorSubdivisions | Number | 0 |
Subdivisions between ticks on the x axis. Must be an integer between 0 and 5 . 1 means that only the major grid lines will be shown. When set to 0 , subdivisions are chosen automatically. |
yAxisMinorSubdivisions | Number | 0 |
Subdivisions between ticks on the y axis. Must be an integer between 0 and 5 . 1 means that only the major grid lines will be shown. When set to 0 , subdivisions are chosen automatically. |
xAxisArrowMode | AxisArrowMode | NONE |
Determines whether to place arrows at one or both ends of the x axis. See Axis Arrow Modes. |
yAxisArrowMode | AxisArrowMode | NONE |
Determines whether to place arrows at one or both ends of the y axis. See Axis Arrow Modes |
xAxisLabel | String | '' |
Label placed below the x axis. |
yAxisLabel | String | '' |
Label placed beside the y axis. |
xAxisScale | 'linear' or 'logarithmic' | 'linear' |
Scale of the x axis. |
yAxisScale | 'linear' or 'logarithmic' | 'linear' |
Scale of the y axis. |
randomSeed | String | '' |
Global random seed used for generating values from the calculator's built-in random() function. See the section on random seeds below. |
Destroy the GraphingCalculator
instance, unbind event listeners, and free resources. This method should be called whenever a calculator's container element is removed from the DOM. Attempting to call methods on a GraphingCalculator
object after it has been destroyed will result in a no-op and log a warning to the console.
Saving and loading
Returns a javascript object representing the current state of the calculator. Use in conjunction with GraphingCalculator.setState to save and restore calculator states.
The return value of GraphingCalculator.getState may be serialized to a string using JSON.stringify.
Warning: Calculator states should be treated as opaque values. Manipulating states directly may produce a result that cannot be loaded by GraphingCalculator.setState.
GraphingCalculator.setState(obj, [options])
Reset the calculator to a state previously saved using GraphingCalculator.getState. options is an optional object that controls the behavior of the calculator when setting the state.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
allowUndo | Boolean | false |
Preserve the undo/redo history. |
remapColors | Boolean | false |
Remap colors in the saved state to those in the current Calculator.colors object. See the Colors section. |
Reset the calculator to a blank state. If an options object is present, the allowUndo property serves the same function as it does in GraphingCalculator.setState.
// Save the current state of a calculator instance
var state = calculator.getState();
// Use jQuery to post a state to your server for permanent storage
$.post('/myendpoint', JSON.stringify(state));
// Load a state into a calculator instance
// Reset the calculator to a blank state
To see a working example of saving and loading graphs to/from a server, you can download and run the sample content management system application from our GitHub repository.
Replace the calculator's "Delete All" button (under the "Edit List" menu) with a "Reset" button that will reset the calculator to the state represented by obj. Also, if a default state is set, the "home" zoom button
will reset the zoom to the viewport associated with the default state instead
of the usual Desmos default (roughly from -10 to 10, centered at the origin). If
the showResetButtonOnGraphpaper
option is true
, a small reset button will
appear on the graphpaper.
// Save the current state of a calculator instance
var newDefaultState = calculator.getState();
// Set a new default state to match the current state
// From this point forward the "Delete All" button will be replaced with a "Reset"
// button that will set the calculator to the state stored in newDefaultState,
// and the "home" zoom button will restore the viewport to that of newDefaultState.
For a working example see examples/default-state.html.
Return to the previous state in the undo/redo history, if available.
Advance to the next state in the undo/redo history, if available.
Clear the undo/redo history. Does not affect the current state.
Executes the provided callback, ensuring that any changes it makes replace the current state in the undo/redo history instead of creating a new entry. This method is useful if you want to make programmatic changes to a graph without interfering with the user's ability to undo/redo their own changes.
Returns an image of the current graphpaper in the form of a PNG data URI.
opts is an optional object with the following properties:
- opts.width Width of the screenshot in pixels. Defaults to current width of graphaper.
- opts.height Height of the screenshot in pixels. Defaults to current height of graphpaper in pixels.
- opts.targetPixelRatio Oversampling factor. Defaults to 1. Larger values are useful for producing images that will look good on high pixel density ("retina") screens. For example, setting opts.targetPixelRatio to 2 will return an image that is physically twice as wide and twice as tall as the dimensions specified by opts.width and opts.height, but that is designed to look good when displayed scaled down to the dimensions specified by opts.width and opts.height.
- opts.preserveAxisNumbers Determines whether to override the default behavior of stripping out the axis numbers from small images. Only relevant if opts.width or opts.height is less than 256px. Defaults to
. - opts.showMovablePoints Renders movable points with their interactive halo, instead of as static points. Defaults to
You can use the returned data URI directly in the src attribute of an image. To save the data as a traditional image file, you can parse the data and base64 decode it.
// Capture a full size screenshot of the graphpaper
var fullsize = calculator.screenshot();
// Capture a double resolution screenshot of the graphpaper designed to
// be displayed at 200px by 200px
var thumbnail = calculator.screenshot({
width: 200,
height: 200,
targetPixelRatio: 2
// Append the thumbnail image to the current page
var img = document.createElement('img');
// Note: if width and height are not set, the thumbnail
// would display at 400px by 400px since it was captured
// with targetPixelRatio: 2.
img.width = 200;
img.height = 200;
img.src = thumbnail;
See examples/screenshot.html for a working example.
GraphingCalculator.asyncScreenshot([_opts_], callback)
Similar to GraphingCalculator.screenshot
, but asynchronous. Rather than returning a PNG data URI directly,
will be called with the either a URI string or SVG string as its argument.
There are three main benefits to the asynchronous version:
- a guarantee that the graph state will be fully evaluated at the time the screenshot is captured (useful when setting large or complicated states);
- more flexibility in specifying the region of the graph to be captured (since we can evaluate/plot parts of the graph that are not currently visible before creating the image);
- the ability to output SVG in addition to PNG images.
opts is an optional object. It may contain the same properties passed into Calculator.screenshot()
, as well as the following additional properties:
- opts.format String that determines the format of the generated image. May be either
. Defaults to'png'
. - opts.mode String that determines the strategy for computing the viewport visible in the screenshot. See the table below for available modes and their descriptions. Defaults to
. - opts.mathBounds An object representing desired viewport bounds with the same properties as those passed into
, andright
. The current viewport value will be used for any omitted property, but note that you cannot specifytop
. Passing invalid bounds will log a warning to the console and use the current viewport bounds in their entirety. - opts.showLabels Boolean that determines whether to include point labels in the captured image. Defaults to
. - opts.showMovablePoints Renders movable points with their interactive halo, instead of as static points. Defaults to
mode | description |
contain | Compute the smallest bounding box for the desired mathBounds and image dimensions that preserves the mathematical aspect ratio (in terms of math units per pixel). |
stretch | Use the passed in mathBounds exactly, and the current graphpaper bounds for any omitted dimension. Does not preserve the mathematical aspect ratio. |
preserveX | Set the left and right mathBounds explicitly (or use the current left and right viewport bounds if omitted), and expand or contract the y-axis bounds about the current midline in order to preserve the mathematical aspect ratio. If top and bottom are specified, the midline will be computed from those values. |
preserveY | Set the top and bottom mathBounds explicitly (or use the current top and bottom viewport bounds if omitted), and expand or contract the x-axis bounds about the current midline in order to preserve the mathematical aspect ratio. If left and right are specified, the midline will be computed from those values. |
Which mode you choose may depend on whether or not the current viewport projection is uniform with respect to both axes (i.e., the mathematical aspect ratio is square). We provide GraphingCalculator.isProjectionUniform()
as a convenience method to help with this decision.
// Callback
function setImageSrc(data) {
var img = document.getElementById('my-image');
img.src = data;
// Take a screenshot of an exact region without regard for the aspect ratio
mode: 'stretch',
mathBounds: { left: -5, right: 5, bottom: -20, top: 0 }
// Show -5 to 5 on the x-axis and preserve the aspect ratio
mode: 'preserveX',
width: 500,
height: 300,
mathBounds: { left: -5, right: 5 }
// Use the smallest bounding box containing the current viewport and preserve the aspect ratio
// Preserve the aspect ratio if the axes are square, otherwise show the exact region
var opts = {
mode: calculator.isProjectionUniform() ? 'contain' : 'stretch',
width: 500,
height: 300,
mathBounds: { left: -5, right: 5, bottom: -20, top: 0 }
calculator.asyncScreenshot(opts, setImageSrc);
See examples/async-screenshot.html for more examples.
GraphingCalculator.observeEvent('change', function (eventName, event) {/*...*/})
The 'change'
event is emitted by the calculator whenever any change occurs that will affect the persisted state of the calculator. This applies to any changes caused either by direct user interaction, or by calls to API methods.
Observing the 'change'
event allows implementing periodic saving of a user's work without the need for polling.
The callback provided to observeEvent
is called with two parameters: the name of the event (e.g. 'change'
) and an event
object containing a boolean isUserInitiated
The value of event.isUserInitiated
is true
if the change that triggered the event was caused by a user interacting with the graph, and false
otherwise (e.g. if the change
is due to an API call like calculator.setExpression()
function persistState(state) {
/* Persist state to your backend */
// This example uses the throttle function from underscore.js to limit
// the rate at which the calculator state is queried and persisted.
throttledSave = _.throttle(
function () {
console.log('Save occurred');
{ leading: false }
calculator.observeEvent('change', function (eventName, event) {
console.log('Change occurred');
if (event.isUserInitiated) {
For a working example of observing the change event, see examples/mirror-state.html.
Remove all observers added by GraphingCalculator.observeEvent('change')
. For finer control over removing observers, see the section on managing observers.
Other observable events
Event | Description |
graphReset | Fired whenever a user clicks the "Delete All" or "Reset" button in the expressions list top bar. |
Manipulating expressions
This will update or create a mathematical expression. expression_state should be an object which represents a single expression. Different types of expressions can be specified using the type
property of expression_state, which must be either expression
or table
. If no type
property is explicitly specified, the type defaults to expression
. Further properties of expression_state for each type are detailed below.
This function does not return any value.
Name | Values |
type | String 'expression' , optional. |
latex | String, optional, following Desmos Expressions. |
color | String, hex color, optional. See Colors. Default will cycle through 6 default colors. |
lineStyle | Enum value, optional. Sets the line drawing style of curves or point lists. See Styles. |
lineWidth | Number or String, optional. Determines width of lines in pixels. May be any positive number, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a positive number. Defaults to 2.5. |
lineOpacity | Number or String, optional. Determines opacity of lines. May be a number between 0 and 1, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.9. |
pointStyle | Enum value, optional. Sets the point drawing style of point lists. See Styles. |
pointSize | Number or String, optional. Determines diameter of points in pixels. May be any positive number, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a positive number. Defaults to 9. |
pointOpacity | Number or String, optional. Determines opacity of points. May be a number between 0 and 1, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.9. |
fillOpacity | Number or String, optional. Determines opacity of the interior of a polygon or parametric curve. May be a number between 0 and 1, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.4. |
points | Boolean, optional. Determines whether points are plotted for point lists. |
lines | Boolean, optional. Determines whether line segments are plotted for point lists. |
fill | Boolean, optional. Determines whether a polygon or parametric curve has its interior shaded. |
hidden | Boolean, optional. Determines whether the graph is drawn. Defaults to false . |
secret | Boolean, optional. Determines whether the expression should appear in the expressions list. Does not affect graph visibility. Defaults to false . |
sliderBounds | { min: String, max: String, step: String } , optional. Sets bounds of slider expressions. If step is omitted, '' , or undefined , the slider will be continuously adjustable. See note below. |
playing | Boolean, optional. Determines whether the expression should animate, if it is a slider. Defaults to false . |
parametricDomain | { min: String, max: String } , optional. Sets bounds of parametric curves. See note below. |
polarDomain | { min: String, max: String } , optional. Sets bounds of polar curves. See note below. |
id | String, optional. Should be a valid property name for a javascript object (letters, numbers, and _ ). |
dragMode | Enum value, optional. Sets the drag mode of a point. See Drag Modes. Defaults to DragModes.AUTO . |
label | String, optional. Sets the text label of a point. If a label is set to the empty string then the point's default label (its coordinates) will be applied. |
showLabel | Boolean, optional. Sets the visibility of a point's text label. |
labelSize | String, optional. Specifies the text size of a point's label as a LaTeX string, which, when computed, multiplies the standard label font size of 110% of the system font size. Defaults to '1'. |
labelOrientation | Enum value, optional. Sets the desired position of a point's text label. See LabelOrientations. |
Note: Bounds for the parametricDomain
, polarDomain
, and sliderBounds
properties should be valid LaTeX strings; numbers will be coerced into strings before being set. Bounds can be any LaTeX expression in terms of numbers and predefined constants (e
, \pi
, \tau
), but not variables.
Name | Values |
type | String 'table' , required. |
columns | Array of Table Columns, required. |
id | String, optional. Should be a valid property name for a javascript object (letters, numbers, and _ ). |
Name | Values |
type | String 'text' , required. |
text | String, optional. The text content of the note. Defaults to '' . |
id | String, optional. Should be a valid property name for a javascript object (letters, numbers, and _ ). |
If setExpression
is called with an id that already exists, values for provided parameters will be updated in the expression, and unprovided parameters will remain unchanged (they will NOT be reset to default values).
Note: setExpression
cannot be used to change the type of an existing expression. In that case, first use removeExpression
to remove the existing expression.
If the expression results in an error, it will still be added to the expressions list, but nothing will be graphed.
If the provided parameters are invalid (e.g. type is set to something other than 'expression'
, 'text'
, or 'table'
), this function will have no effect.
//Define a variable m. Doesn't graph anything.
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'm', latex: 'm=2' });
//Draw a red line with slope of m through the origin.
//Because m = 2, this line will be of slope 2.
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'line1', latex: 'y=mx', color: '#ff0000' });
//Updating the value of m will change the slope of the line to 3
grapher.setExpression({ id: 'm', latex: 'm=3' });
//Inequality to shade a circle at the origin
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'circle1', latex: 'x^2 + y^2 < 1' });
//Restrict the slider for the m variable to the integers from 1 to 10
id: 'm',
sliderBounds: { min: 1, max: 10, step: 1 }
//Table with three columns. Note that the first two columns have explicitly
//specified values, and the third column is computed from the first.
type: 'table',
columns: [
latex: 'x',
values: ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5']
latex: 'y',
values: ['1', '4', '9', '16', '25'],
dragMode: Desmos.DragModes.XY
latex: 'x^2',
color: Desmos.Colors.BLUE,
columnMode: Desmos.ColumnModes.LINES
See this example live at examples/column-properties.html.
Additional Example:
- Update slider values based on the mouse position: examples/mousemove.html
expression_states should be an array, and each element should be a valid argument for GraphingCalculator.setExpression()
This function will attempt to create expressions for each element in the array, and is equivalent to
expression_states.forEach(function (expression_state) {
This function does not return any value.
Remove an expression from the expressions list. expression_state is an object with an id property.
// Add an expression
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'parabola', latex: 'y=x^2' });
// Remove it
calculator.removeExpression({ id: 'parabola' });
Remove several expressions from the expressions list. expression_states is an array of objects with id properties. This function is equivalent to
expression_states.forEach(function (expression_state) {
Returns a representation of the current expressions list as an array. Each array member
is an expression state (i.e. an object suitable for passing into setExpression
id: "1",
type: "expression",
latex: "\left(1,2\right)",
pointStyle: "POINT",
hidden: false,
secret: false,
color: "#c74440",
parametricDomain: {min: "0", max: "1"},
dragMode: "X",
label: "my point",
showLabel: true
An observable object containing information about the calculator's analysis of each expression. Its keys are expression ids, and its values are objects with the following properties:
isGraphable: Boolean, // Does the expression represent something that can be plotted?
isError: Boolean, // Does the expression result in an evaluation error?
errorMessage?: String // The (localized) error message, if any
evaluationDisplayed?: Boolean, // Is evaluation information displayed in the expressions list?
evaluation?: { type: 'Number', value: Number } |
{ type: 'ListOfNumber', value: Number[] } // numeric value(s)
Note that the calculator evaluates expressions asynchronously, so attempts to access expressionAnalysis
in synchronous code may not accurately reflect the most current evaluation state. Instead, the expressionAnalysis
object should be observe
d and referenced inside of a callback.
calculator.observe('expressionAnalysis', function () {
for (var id in calculator.expressionAnalysis) {
var analysis = calculator.expressionAnalysis[id];
if (analysis.isGraphable) console.log('This expression can be plotted.');
if (analysis.isError)
console.log(`Expression '${id}': ${analysis.errorMessage}`);
if (analysis.evaluation) console.log(`value: ${analysis.evaluation.value}`);
Desmos Expressions
Expressions are the central mathematical objects used in Desmos. They can plot curves, draw points, define variables, even define multi-argument functions. Desmos uses LaTeX for passing expressions back and forth.
The following sections give some examples of supported functionality but are not exhaustive.
We recommend using the interactive calculator at to explore the full range of supported expressions.
Types of expressions
When analyzed, expressions can cause one or more of the following effects:
If the expression can be evaluated to a number, it will be evaluated
Plotting curves
If the expression expresses one variable as a function of another, it will be plotted.
Plotting points
If the expression defines one or more points, they will be plotted directly.
Plotting Inequalities
If an expression represents an inequality of x and y which can be solved, the entire region represented by the inequality will be shaded in.
Exporting definitions
Expression can export either variable or function definitions, which can be used elsewhere. Definitions are not order-dependent. Built in symbols cannot be redefined. If a symbol is defined multiple times, referencing it elsewhere will be an error.
If an expression of x and y can be solved (specifically, if it is quadratic in either x or y), the solution set will be plotted, but no definitions will be exported.
If the input cannot be interpreted, the expression will be marked as an error.
Here are a few examples:
input | effect |
Evaluable. | |
Plots y as a function of x. | |
Defines m as a variable that can be referenced by other expressions. | |
Plots a as a function of x, and defines a as a variable that can be referenced by other expressions. | |
Plots an implicit curve of x and y. |
Supported characters
Following the LaTeX standard, any multi-character symbol must be preceded by a leading backslash, otherwise it will be interpreted as a series of single-letter variables. That the backslash also functions as an escape character inside of JavaScript strings is a common source of confusion. You should take special care to ensure that a literal backslash character ends up in the final string, which can be accomplished in one of two ways:
- Escape every backslash:
- Use template literals:
(not supported in IE)
The following functions are defined as built-ins:
Arithmetic operators
+, -, *, /, ^
These operators follow standard precedence rules, and can operate on any kind of expression. As specified by LaTeX, exponentiation with a power that is more than one character (e.g.
) require curly braces around the exponent.Division is always represented in fraction notation. Curly braces can be used to specify the limits of the numerator and the denominator where they don't follow standard precedence rules.
Mathematical constants
e, pi
Trig functions (forward and inverse)
sin, cos, tan, cot, sec, csc, arcsin, arccos, arctan, arccot, arcsec, arccsc
These functions all take a single input, and operate in radians by default.
These functions support both formal function notation:
, and shorthand notation: . Shorthand notation is limited to cases where the provided argument is simple and unambiguous, so function notation is recommended for any computer-generated expressions.These functions also support inverse and squared function notation, via
and . This notation is not generally supported on most functions, but is provided for use with trig identities. For general use, disambiguating with parentheses is recommended.Logarithms
ln, log
These functions both take a single input, and operate with bases of e, and 10, respectively. These work in both function and shorthand notation, like the trig functions.
Logs of arbitrary bases can be specified using using subscripts: \log_a(b)
is interpreted as
Square root
Helper Expressions
In addition to normal expressions that show up in the calculator's expressions list, you can create "helper expressions" that are evaluated like normal expressions, but don't show up in the expressions list. Helper expressions are useful for monitoring and reacting to what a user is doing with an embedded calculator. Every calculator
object has a HelperExpression
constructor for adding helper expressions to that calculator
var calculator = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt);
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'a-slider', latex: 'a=1' });
var a = calculator.HelperExpression({ latex: 'a' });
calculator.setExpression({ id: 'list', latex: 'L=[1, 2, 3]' });
var L = calculator.HelperExpression({ latex: 'L' });
Helper expressions have two observable properties: numericValue
for expressions that evaluate to a number, and listValue
for expressions that evaluate to a list. They are updated whenever the expression changes.
a.observe('numericValue', function () {
L.observe('listValue', function () {
See examples/helper.html for an example of monitoring the value of a slider and using it to update the surrounding page.
See examples/dynamic-labels.html for an example of observing a slider value to create a dynamic point label.
Table Columns
Tables are specified by an array of their columns. The values in each column are either explicitly specified when the column header is a unique variable, or computed if the column header is an expression. The properties of table columns are given below:
Name | Description |
latex | String, required. Variable or computed expression used in the column header. |
values | Array of LaTeX strings, optional. Need not be specified in the case of computed table columns. |
color | String hex color, optional. See Colors. Default will cycle through 6 default colors. |
hidden | Boolean, optional. Determines if graph is drawn. Defaults to false. |
points | Boolean, optional. Determines whether points are plotted. |
lines | Boolean, optional. Determines whether line segments are plotted. |
lineStyle | Enum value, optional. Sets the drawing style for line segments. See Styles. |
lineWidth | Number or String, optional. Determines width of lines in pixels. May be any positive number, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a positive number. Defaults to 2.5. |
lineOpacity | Number or String, optional. Determines opacity of lines. May be a number between 0 and 1, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.9. |
pointStyle | Enum value, optional. Sets the drawing style for points. See Styles. |
pointSize | Number or String, optional. Determines diameter of points in pixels. May be any positive number, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a positive number. Defaults to 9. |
pointOpacity | Number or String, optional. Determines opacity of points. May be a number between 0 and 1, or a LaTeX string that evaluates to a number between 0 and 1. Defaults to 0.9. |
columnMode [DEPRECATED] | Enum value, optional. See Column Modes. Defaults to Desmos.ColumnModes.POINT . |
dragMode | Enum value, optional. See Drag Modes. Defaults to DragModes.NONE . |
Note that display properties such as color
, and hidden
are ignored for the first column because the first column is never plotted as a dependent variable.
Column Modes [DEPRECATED]
The columnMode
of a table column determines whether points in the table column are drawn as points, lines, or both, specified as one of
Note that as of API v1.1 the columnMode
property for table columns has been split into boolean points
and lines
properties that control whether points and line segments are plotted, respectively.
Drag Modes
The dragMode
of a point determines whether it can be changed by dragging in the x direction, the y direction, both, or neither, specified as
In addition, a point may have its dragMode
set to Desmos.DragModes.AUTO
, in which case the normal calculator rules for determining point behavior will be applied. For example, a point whose coordinates are both slider variables would be draggable in both the x and y directions.
The dragMode
of a table column determines the behavior of the points represented by the column. The dragMode
is only applicable to explicitly specified column values, and has no effect on computed column values.
Axis Arrow Modes
The AxisArrowMode
specifies whether arrows should be drawn at one or both ends of the x or y axes. It is specified separately for the x and y axes through the xAxisArrowMode
and yAxisArrowMode
graph settings. Must be one of
The default value for both axes is Desmos.AxisArrowMode.NONE
// Set the x axis to have arrows on both ends
calculator.updateSettings({ xAxisArrowMode: Desmos.AxisArrowModes.BOTH });
Label Orientations
The labelOrientation
property specifies the desired position of a point's label, relative to the point itself.
This will override the calculator's default behavior of trying to position labels in such a way as to maintain legibility.
To restore this behavior, set the value back to Desmos.LabelOrientations.DEFAULT
The default value is Desmos.LabelOrientations.DEFAULT
Author Features
Secret folders allow creating graphed expressions and defining functions and variables with definitions that can be hidden from other users.
Readonly expressions can't be edited or deleted by a student. Display properties and, where relevant, direct manipulation of plotted expressions or objects (e.g. sliders and clickable and movable objects) remain enabled and editable.
Disabling graph interactions for an expression means that the user will not be able to select or trace the object from the graphpaper using a mouse, keyboard, or touch gesture.
To allow a user to create and see the contents of secret folders, to set or edit readonly expressions, or to disable graph interactions for a plotted expression or object, use the {authorFeatures: true}
option in
the calculator constructor.
In authorFeatures: true
mode, whenever a folder is created, it can optionally be made secret by checking the "hide this folder from students" option. The contents of these folders will be hidden when loaded into a calculator in administerSecretFolders: false
mode (the default). Any expression, note, image, folder, or table can be marked readonly from Edit List Mode. Any plotted expression or object can have its graph interactions disabled from the expression options menu.
This workflow is useful for creating activities where students are asked to describe properties of a graphed function without seeing its definition, or to ensure that critical expressions can't be deleted or modified.
// In calc1, users will be allowed to create secret folders and see
// their contents.
var calc1 = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt1, { authorFeatures: true });
// By default, secret folders are hidden from users.
var calc2 = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt2);
For a working example of Secret Folders, see examples/secret-folders.html.
For a working example of Readonly Expressions, see examples/readonly-expressions.html
Updating and Observing Settings
GraphingCalculator.setGraphSettings(settings) [DEPRECATED]
Updates any of the properties allowed in the constructor. Only properties that are present will be changed--other settings will retain their previous value. Note that updateSettings is preferred to setGraphSettings, which is deprecated.
Also note that certain combinations of options are mutually exclusive. If an update would produce incompatible options, additional options may be ignored or adjusted to obtain a compatible set. To prevent the calculator from making those adjustments on your behalf, you should avoid passing in the following combinations:
graphpaper: false
withexpressionsCollapsed: true
orzoomButtons: true
lockViewport: true
withzoomButtons: true
GraphingCalculator.graphSettings [DEPRECATED]
Object with observable properties for each public property.
// Set xAxisLabel
calculator.updateSettings({ xAxisLabel: 'Time' });
// Observe the value of `xAxisLabel`, and log a message when it changes.
calculator.settings.observe('xAxisLabel', function () {
See examples/graphsettings.html for a working example of setting and observing graph settings.
Random Seeds
The graphing calculator has a built-in random()
function that returns random
samples from lists and statistical distributions. Behind every call to
is a pseudorandom number generator (PRNG) that takes a seed. While
the seed ultimately consumed by the PRNG comprises several components, the
object exposes a property called randomSeed
that can be observed or
By default, randomSeed
is a 128-bit string that is created at instantiation
time and updated whenever the graph is cleared or the user pressees a
"randomize" icon at the top of the expressions list. Since randomSeed
as a common prefix for every seed passed to the PRNG, updating its value will
simultaneously re-randomize every expression in the list that uses the
The randomSeed
property is included in the serialized state returned from
, and loading a state via .setState()
will preserve the
existing seed. Since there may be situations in which you want to control
s value, or the timing of its updates, the API offers the ability to
do both.
It is possible to explicitly set randomSeed
to a string of your choosing,
either as a constructor option or via the .updateSettings()
method, as for any
other setting:
calculator.updateSettings({ randomSeed: 'my-random-seed' });
If you simply want to generate a new randomSeed
programmatically (to initiate
a global re-randomization of the expressions list), but don't care about its
specific value, the API includes a convenience method for that purpose:
Update the settings.randomSeed
property to a new random value.
The tone command allows users to create and manipulate sound. Each expression that uses tone()
can be toggled individually in a way that is analogous to visibility for plotted expressions. There is also a global mute/unmute button that appears
at the top of the expressions list if any expression uses tone()
An individual tone()
expression can be (de)activated by using GraphingCalculator.setExpression()
to set its hidden
property. There
is also a muted
configuration option that may be updated or observed like any other settings
Note that the Web Audio API is typically covered by browser autoplay policies, and thus attempting to generate audio prior to user interaction with the page is likely to fail. The calculator will always begin in a globally muted state, and you should only attempt to globally unmute expressions initially in response to a user action.
By default, the calculator will fill its container element (with one notable exception: see GraphingCalculator.resize()
immediately below). That means sizing the calculator appropriately for your layout is equivalent to sizing its containing <div>
, just like any other element on the page, with two additional considerations:
The calculator will automatically display in one of two layouts depending on its container element's width: above 450px
the expressions list will be placed to the left of the graph paper; below 450px
the expressions list will be placed below the graph paper.
In order for the calculator to adjust its layout appropriately on mobile devices, a viewport <meta>
tag is necessary to control the viewport size and scale. Include the following in the <head>
of your page:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
For more information, see this MDN article.
Resize the calculator to fill its container. This will happen automatically unless the autosize
constructor option is set to false
. In that case, this method must be called whenever the dimensions of the calculator's container element change, and whenever the container element is added to or removed from the DOM.
var elt = document.getElementById('calculator');
var calculator = Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt, { autosize: false });
// Resize the calculator explicitly. = '600px'; = '400px';
See examples/fullscreen.html for an example of how to keep the calculator resized to fill the full screen using absolute positioning.
This function does not return any value.
Updates the math coordinates of the graphpaper bounds. bounds must be an object with left
, right
, bottom
, and top
If invalid bounds are provided (bounds.right <= bounds.left
, <= bounds.bottom
), the graphpaper bounds will not be changed.
//Only show the first quadrant
left: 0,
right: 10,
bottom: 0,
top: 10
This function does not return any value.
The graphpaperBounds
observable property gives the bounds of the graphpaper in both math coordinates and pixel coordinates. It is an object with the following structure:
mathCoordinates: {
top: Number,
bottom: Number,
left: Number,
right: Number,
width: Number,
height: Number
pixelCoordinates: {
top: Number,
bottom: Number,
left: Number,
right: Number,
width: Number,
height: Number
are referenced to the top left of the calculator's parent DOM element---that is, the element that is passed into the GraphingCalculator
constructor. Note that < pixelCoordinates.bottom
, but > mathCoordinates.bottom
Observing the graphpaperBounds
property allows being notified whenever the graphpaper is panned or zoomed.
calculator.observe('graphpaperBounds', function () {
var pixelCoordinates = calculator.graphpaperBounds.pixelCoordinates;
var mathCoordinates = calculator.graphpaperBounds.mathCoordinates;
var pixelsPerUnitY = pixelCoordinates.height / mathCoordinates.height;
var pixelsPerUnitX = pixelCoordinates.width / mathCoordinates.width;
console.log('Current aspect ratio: ' + pixelsPerUnitY / pixelsPerUnitX);
Convert math coordinates to pixel coordinates. coords
is an object with an x
property, a y
property, or both. Returns an object with the same properties as coords
Convert pixel coordinates to math coordinates. Inverse of mathToPixels
// Find the pixel coordinates of the graphpaper origin:
calculator.mathToPixels({ x: 0, y: 0 });
// Find the math coordinates of the mouse
var calculatorRect = calculatorElt.getBoundingClientRect();
document.addEventListener('mousemove', function (evt) {
x: evt.clientX - calculatorRect.left,
y: evt.clientY -
Additional Examples:
- Observe
to keep external labels synced with the graphpaper: examples/graphpaper-bounds.html - Translate clicks to math coordinates to add points to a table: examples/click-table.html
Managing Observers
The calculator exposes several objects with observable properties that may be accessed via an observe
method. The first argument to observe
is a property string, and the second is a callback to be fired when the property changes. The attached callback represents an observer for that property. Multiple observers can be added to a single property.
In general, calling .unobserve(property)
removes all of the observers created with .observe(property)
. It is also possible to use namespaced property strings when creating observers so that they can be removed individually.
// Add three different observers to the 'xAxisLabel' property
calculator.settings.observe('', callback1);
calculator.settings.observe('', callback2);
calculator.settings.observe('xAxisLabel.baz', callback3);
// Stop firing `callback2` when the x-axis label changes
// Remove the two remaining observers
See examples/managing-observers.html for a live example.
GraphingCalculator.observeEvent and GraphingCalculator.unobserveEvent behave in the same way as observe
and unobserve
, respectively. The only difference is that, while observe
is always associated with a property of an object that is being updated, observeEvent
is used to listen for global calculator events (currently just 'change'
). Calculator events can be namespaced in the same way that properties can. For instance, binding a callback to ''
would make it possible to remove a single observer with GraphingCalculator.unobserveEvent('')
Selection and Focus
When an expression in the calculator is selected, its corresponding curve is highlighted. Expressions may be selected even when the expressions list is not present. Currently, only one expression may be selected at a time, but in the future it may be possible to select more than one expression.
When an expression is focused, a cursor appears in it in the expressions list, allowing the expression to be updated with the keypad or a keyboard. A focused expression is always selected, but an expression may be selected without being focused. Only one expression can be focused at a time.
Focus the first expression in the expressions list. Note that the first expression isn't focused by default because if the calculator is embedded in a page that can be scrolled, the browser will typically scroll the focused expression into view at page load time, which may not be desirable.
Open the calculator keypad. An expression must be focused for the keypad to be open, so if no expression is focused, this method will focus the first expression. If the onscreen keypad is already open, this method has no effect.
If the calculator is configured with keypad: false
, this method will ensure that some expression is focused but will not display the keypad.
Boolean observable property, true when an expression is selected, false when no expression is selected.
Observable property that holds the id
of the currently selected expression, or
when no expression is selected.
Remove the selected expression. Returns the id
of the expression that was
removed, or undefined
if no expression was selected.
See examples/remove-selected.html for an example.
Colors are chosen from a default list of 6 colors. These are available through the Colors object.
Name | Hex String |
Colors.RED | #c74440 |
Colors.BLUE | #2d70b3 |
Colors.GREEN | #388c46 |
Colors.PURPLE | #6042a6 |
Colors.ORANGE | #fa7e19 |
Colors.BLACK | #000000 |
You may also specify colors
as a property on the options
object in the constructor, which will override the default color palette. colors
must be an object whose values are strings representing valid CSS color values. As a convenience, a calculator instance's current color palette can be accessed via Calculator.colors
You can choose the color of a new expression explicitly by setting its color property.
Note that the ability to override the color palette means that graph states saved in one environment may contain colors not found in another environment. For instance, loading a graph state created with the default palette will yield a graph with colors that are not accessible from your customized color menu in the UI. The best solution is to load only those graphs created in an environment using your custom colors.
Alternatively, we provide you two ways to handle this problem when calling Calculator.setState
. You may either load the state with the saved colors as-is, or you may coerce unavailable colors to their perceptually closest counterparts in your Calculator.colors
object ("perceptually closest" in the sense of nearest in the Lab color space). See the section on setState for more information.
id: '1',
latex: 'y=x',
color: Desmos.Colors.BLUE
id: '2',
latex: 'y=x + 1',
color: '#ff0000'
id: '3',
latex: 'y=sin(x)',
color: calculator.colors.customBlue
For a live example see examples/colors.html.
Drawing styles for points and curves may be chosen from a set of predefined values, which are available through the Styles object.
For points:
For curves:
Note that changing the style of a point expression to OPEN
is only supported for
points with a dragMode
property of NONE
(or AUTO
, if it would resolve to a static point).
That means you may need to manually set the dragMode
in certain situations.
// Make a dashed line
id: 'line',
latex: 'y=x',
lineStyle: Desmos.Styles.DASHED
// This will render with normal movable point styling, because named point
// assignments result in points with a `dragMode` of `XY` by default
id: 'pointA',
latex: 'A=(1,2)',
pointStyle: Desmos.Styles.CROSS
// Now point A will render with `CROSS` styling
id: 'pointA',
dragMode: Desmos.DragModes.NONE
// Point B will render as a hole
id: 'pointB',
latex: 'B=(2,4)',
dragMode: Desmos.DragModes.NONE,
pointStyle: Desmos.Styles.OPEN
// This point will render with `CROSS` styling, because the default
// `dragMode` for an unassigned point with numeric values is `NONE`
id: 'pointC',
latex: '(7,5)',
pointStyle: Desmos.Styles.CROSS
Font Sizes
Though the calculator's fontSize
property can be set to any numeric value, we provide a set of predefined font sizes for convenience. These are available through the FontSizes object.
Name | Pixel Value |
FontSizes.VERY_SMALL | 9 |
FontSizes.SMALL | 12 |
FontSizes.MEDIUM | 16 |
FontSizes.LARGE | 20 |
FontSizes.VERY_LARGE | 24 |
You can set the base font size for the calculator through the updateSettings method.
calculator.updateSettings({ fontSize: Desmos.FontSizes.LARGE });
calculator.updateSettings({ fontSize: 11 });
The calculator's display language can be set to any of our supported languages using the updateSettings
method. Languages are not provided by default, but they may be requested from the api/
endpoint via a lang
URL parameter. The requested translations are bundled into calculator.js
before it is returned, and those languages become available to any calculator instance in the page. (If you are self-hosting the API code and are interested in using languages other than English, contact for more information.)
To inspect the available languages at runtime, we expose a Desmos.supportedLanguages
property that provides an array of language codes suitable for passing into Calculator.updateSettings
Note that the level of translation coverage varies somewhat by language, but translations are regularly added and improved. Available languages are:
Language | Code |
German | 'de' |
English (U.S.) | 'en' |
Spanish | 'es' |
Estonian | 'et' |
French | 'fr' |
Indonesian | 'id' |
Italian | 'it' |
Japanese | 'ja' |
Korean | 'ko' |
Dutch | 'nl' |
Polish | 'pl' |
Portuguese (Brazil) | 'pt-BR' |
Russian | 'ru' |
Swedish | 'sv-SE' |
Thai | 'th' |
Turkish | 'tr' |
Vietnamese | 'vi' |
Chinese (Simplified) | 'zh-CN' |
Chinese (Traditional) | 'zh-TW' |
<!-- Include Spanish translations -->
<script src=""></script>
<!-- Include Spanish and French translations -->
<script src=",fr"></script>
<!-- Include all available translations -->
<script src=""></script>
// Inspect available languages
Desmos.supportedLanguages; // ['en', 'es', 'fr']
// Set a calculator instance to French
calculator.updateSettings({ language: 'fr' });
For a live example see examples/languages.html.
In service of our mission to help everybody grow with math, we strive to make our tools accessible to the widest possible audience. See our accessibility documentation to learn about features that help enable broad access.
The default calculator configurations represent our current best thinking about how to make the calculator accessible to everyone. Changing certain options can have important accessibility implications, which API consumers should consider carefully.
: The settings menu contains controls for making items in the calculator easier to see, such as the display size of items in the expressions list and on the graph paper, as well as reverse contrast mode. It also contains the controls for switching Braille modes. When setting this option tofalse
, you should provide alternate methods for users to setprojectorMode
, andbrailleMode
: Setting this option tofalse
means that users will not be able to set the Braille mode through the settings menu or with keyboard shortcuts. When setting this option tofalse
, you should provide a way for users to setbrailleMode
externally. Be aware that some users may find it valuable to switch back and forth between a Braille mode and visually typeset math as they are using the calculator, so we recommend supporting keyboard shortcuts for switching between
: Disabling graph sonification means that a user who has difficulty seeing the graph paper will not be able to get auditory information about the shape of the graph. When setting this option tofalse
, you should have a plan for accommodating people who use sound to access graphical information.graphDescription
: When setting this value to an empty string, a user of software such as a screen reader may lack important information about the layout, bounds, and visible features of the graph paper. Take care that an alternative method for obtaining important graph information is readily available in your application.
Desmos has developed a library called Abraham for translating between LaTeX and the Braille math codes Nemeth and UEB. If you would like to use this library, please contact us at
Image uploads
By default, users can upload images to use on graphs by either dragging images to the expressions list, or selecting "Image" from the "Add Expression" menu.
Image uploads can be disabled by passing {images: false}
as a constructor option.
When users upload images, image data will be stored inline with graph states as data URLs. Graph states that contain inline images are typically much larger than other graph states.
An alternative is available that can significantly reduce the size of graph states that contain images by storing the images separately so that only the image URL is stored in the state. To enable this behavior, specify {imageUploadCallback: function (file, cb) {/*...*/}}
as a constructor option.
The imageUploadCallback
function will be called whenever a user uploads an image file. The first argument is a File object that you should serialize to a location with a publicly accessible URL. The second argument is a callback with the signature cb(err, url)
that should be called with either an error or the URL of the serialized image.
When storing images remotely, it is important that they are either served from the same domain as the page that the calculator is displayed on, or that proper CORS Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers are set to allow the images to be loaded on a different domain.
The default imageUploadCallback
function is provided as Desmos.imageFileToDataURL(file, cb)
as a convenience. It will covert the file to a data URL, taking EXIF orientation headers into account and recompressing large images. The passed callback will be called with either an error as the first argument, or the data URL as a second argument.
function imageUploadCallback(file, cb) {
Desmos.imageFileToDataURL(file, function (err, dataURL) {
if (err) {
// Send the data to your server, and arrange for your server to
// respond with a URL
$.post('', { imageData: dataURL }).then(
function (msg) {
cb(null, msg.url);
}, // Success, call the callback with a URL
function () {
} // Indicate that an error has occurred
Desmos.GraphingCalculator(elt, { imageUploadCallback: imageUploadCallback });
For a working example, see examples/image-upload-callback.html.
Basic Calculators
In addition to the graphing calculator, Desmos offers a four function calculator and a scientific calculator. The four function and scientific calculators are created in a similar way to the graphing calculator, and support a subset of its functionality.
Note that access to the four-function calculator, scientific calculator, and geometry tool must be separately enabled per API key. You can see which features are enabled for your API key by reading Desmos.enabledFeatures
. Calling a constructor for a feature that is not enabled is an error.
// All features enabled
Desmos.enabledFeatures ===
GraphingCalculator: true,
FourFunctionCalculator: true,
ScientificCalculator: true,
GeometryCalculator: true
// Only graphing calculator enabled
Desmos.enabledFeatures ===
GraphingCalculator: true,
FourFunctionCalculator: false,
ScientificCalculator: false,
GeometryCalculator: false
constructor FourFunctionCalculator(element, [options])
Creates a four function calculator object to control the calculator embedded in the DOM element specified by element.
options is an optional object that specifies features that should be included or excluded.
name | default | description |
links | true | Allow external hyperlinks (e.g. to braille examples) |
additionalFunctions | ['sqrt'] | Picks the extra function(s) that appear in the top bar. Maximum 2, minimum 1. Options include 'exponent', 'percent', 'fraction', and 'sqrt'. Pass in a single string or an array of strings. |
fontSize | 16 | Base font size. |
invertedColors | false | Display the calculator with an inverted color scheme. |
settingsMenu | true | Display the settings menu. See Accessibility Notes. |
language | 'en' | Language. See the Languages section for more information. |
brailleMode | 'none' |
Set the input and output Braille code for persons using refreshable Braille displays. Valid options are 'nemeth', 'ueb', or 'none'. |
sixKeyInput | false | Allow users to write six-dot Braille characters using the Home Row keys (S, D, F, J, K, and L). Requires that brailleMode be 'nemeth' or 'ueb'. |
projectorMode | false | Display the calculator in a larger font. |
decimalToFraction | false | When true , users are able to toggle between decimal and fraction output in evaluations if Desmos detects a good rational approximation. |
capExpressionSize | false | Limit the size of an expression to 500 LaTeX tokens and a maximum nesting depth of 30 |
For a working example see examples/four-function-with-percent.html.
constructor ScientificCalculator(element, [options])
Creates a scientific calculator object to control the calculator embedded in the DOM element specified by element.
options is an optional object that specifies features that should be included or excluded.
name | default | description |
links | true | Allow external hyperlinks (e.g. to braille examples) |
qwertyKeyboard | true | Display the keypad in QWERTY layout (false shows an alphabetical layout) |
degreeMode | false | When true , trig functions assume arguments are in degrees. Otherwise, arguments are assumed to be in radians. |
fontSize | 16 | Base font size. |
invertedColors | false | Display the calculator with an inverted color scheme. |
settingsMenu | true | Display the settings menu. See Accessibility Notes. |
language | 'en' | Language. See the Languages section for more information. |
brailleMode | 'none' |
Set the input and output Braille code for persons using refreshable Braille displays. Valid options are 'nemeth', 'ueb', or 'none'. |
sixKeyInput | false | Allow users to write six-dot Braille characters using the Home Row keys (S, D, F, J, K, and L). Requires that brailleMode be 'nemeth' or 'ueb'. |
brailleExpressionDownload | true | Allows the user to export a Braille rendering of the expression list. Requires that brailleMode be 'nemeth' or 'ueb'. |
projectorMode | false | Display the calculator in a larger font. |
decimalToFraction | true | When true , users are able to toggle between decimal and fraction output in evaluations if Desmos detects a good rational approximation. |
capExpressionSize | false | Limit the size of an expression to 500 LaTeX tokens and a maximum nesting depth of 30 |
functionDefinition | true | Allow function definition, i.e. f(x) = 2x |
autosize | true | Determine whether the calculator should automatically resize whenever there are changes to element's dimensions. If set to false you will need to explicitly call .resize() in certain situations. See .resize(). |
var elt1 = document.getElementById('four-function-calculator');
var calculator1 = Desmos.FourFunctionCalculator(elt1);
var elt2 = document.getElementById('scientific-calculator');
var calculator2 = Desmos.ScientificCalculator(elt2);
The object returned is a Desmos.BasicCalculator object, which exposes the following methods and observable events:
BasicCalculator.setState(state, [options])
BasicCalculator.observeEvent('change', function () {/.../})
The methods and events above function exactly as described for the graphing calculator. The updateSettings method is more limited in that it only supports a subset of the options available in the graphing calculator.
Updates the current calculator settings. This method behaves identically to the graphing calculator method, except the properties available for updating are limited to the basic calculator options.
For working examples of the four function and scientific calculators, see
Inside of the Desmos Calculator, we use mathquill for all of our equation rendering. We even use mathquill to render all of the math in this documentation. We're basically big fans of Mathquill. You can visit Mathquill at
Release cycle
New stable versions of the calculator API are released once per year in April. At any given time, there is an experimental preview version, a stable version that is recommended for production, and older versions are frozen.
Experimental: The embedded calculator exposed through the API will track changes to the calculator in real time. In the Experimental version, we may make breaking changes to the API methods and to the calculator’s appearance at any time. The experimental version will generally be available for public preview and comment, but should not be used in production because of the possibility of breaking changes.
Stable: When a version of the API is stabilized, we will commit to not making any breaking changes to the API methods, and the embedded calculator will stop tracking changes to the calculator. We think that it’s important that the visual appearance of the embedded calculator will not change once an API version is stabilized, because this gives our partners precise control over the appearance of their site. Important bug fixes that do not break compatibility are backported from Experimental to Stable.
The Stable version is the version that is recommended for production use.
Frozen: When a new version of the API is stabilized, the previous Stable version will become Frozen. This means that no future changes will be made to it, and it will not receive bug fixes. Partners are encouraged to migrate from Frozen versions to the Stable version in order to keep receiving bug fixes.
We manage a pair of google groups for announcements and discussion of the API:
- desmos-api-announce: Official announcements of releases and previews of the API. This is a low volume list, and will only have a handful of posts per year. We recommend that all clients subscribe to stay up to date with new releases.
- desmos-api-discuss: General discussion and questions about the API. Posts to this group are open to the public.
API Keys
In order to include the desmos API in your page, you must supply an API key as a URL parameter, like this:
<script src=""></script>
The demonstration API key, dcb31709b452b1cf9dc26972add0fda6
, is provided for use during development. If you plan to use the API in production, you should contact us by e-mailing to obtain your own API key.
Self-hosting the API
Some partners prefer to host the Desmos API on their own servers rather than loading it from If you choose to self-host the API, we will make a private shared github repository available to you where we will store builds of the API suitable for self-hosting.
Collected Examples
- examples/parabola.html
- examples/fullscreen.html
- examples/screenshot.html
- examples/async-screenshot.html
- examples/mousemove.html
- examples/graphsettings.html
- examples/slider-bounds.html
- examples/column-properties.html
- examples/graphpaper-bounds.html
- examples/click-table.html
- examples/helper.html
- examples/remove-selected.html
- examples/mirror-state.html
- examples/secret-folders.html
- examples/fourfunction.html
- examples/scientific.html
- examples/default-state.html
- examples/managing-observers.html
- examples/languages.html
- examples/colors.html
- examples/image-upload-callback.html
- examples/dynamic-labels.html
- examples/four-function-with-percent.html